Let’s Talk About LGBT Youth Homelessness

Bo Leach
3 min readNov 25, 2020
Flickr - Colin Davis

Something that most of America doesn’t talk about quite enough is the LGBT community. We also neglect to talk about homelessness or the complexities of it either. Combine these two topics and we have a relatively unaddressed issue. LGBT homelessness in its core is a social issue that our government turns a blind eye to. An even more specific problem we don’t talk about quite enough is LGBT youth homelessness.

Sociologists and researchers have taken to looking at the problem and compiling several reasons as to why homelessness occurs in the LGBT community. Youth.gov does a wonderful job of summarizing the problem, some reasons, and support systems to look to if you’re interested in learning more. The LGBT youth rely on the support of readers like you, those who are willing to address the problem, and inform a greater audience to bring attention to the problem. The great thing about media is that we’re able to spread awareness about these problems much quicker and to a larger community of people. Resources aren’t as difficult to find anymore, and more organizations continue to pop up across the country.

Some popular resources for the LGBT community include the TREVOR project, which combats LGBT mental health problems among other growing concerns. They provide hotlines, chatlines, and other resources that they’ve worked with or that they don’t specialize in. Some other great resources and organizations that combat LGBT youth homelessness include True Colors United, A Way Home America, and Covenant House.

True Colors United aims to educate, research, advocate, and unite others to the cause. On their page they include a resource list, several events that they’re working on, projects, and research that they’ve conducted in order to inform people of the statistics and the root of the problem.

A Way Home America also provides a page full of resources, and a page dedicated to the work that they’ve done, including their 100-day challenge to minimize and hopefully end youth homelessness. They also provide an interactive map that shows you organizations, programs, agencies and more dedicated to helping solve youth homelessness.

Covenant House is a program and shelter for LGBT homelessness kids who need support and resources to aid them in getting back on their feet. They currently have 31 homes open across the states and provide several fundraisers and donations that you can lend your support to organizations and the homes that provide a safe space for these homeless kids.

More organizations, shelters, and support systems are on the rise for the LGBT community, and we need to raise awareness for those who do not have a voice for themselves. This issue requires a call to action, and Americans should not neglect these growing problems when we have the ability to lend a hand. These resources are a great stepping-stone into learning more about the issue but there are many others that provide just as wonderful support, resources, donation sites, and more that you can find through social media and community boards. Take a stand for the LGBT youth homelessness, and help us speak out about this problem.

